You already know that by playing Sky Fantasy Football you can win up to £50,000. All you have to do is to create a team, collect the points and if you are the best, the prize is yours. A big question is how the scoring system works and how you will acquire the sky fantasy football points. We will explain all of that right now.
Sky sports fantasy football points system
Sky Fantasy Football is based on actual Premier League. What this means is that the scoring system will follow the success and the performance of the actual, real-world players. However, there are a lot of facts you will have to know. For instance, your player will get more or fewer points depending on his activity and success in real football.
The first points you are going to get are for Starting XI, and you will get 2 points. The biggest attraction is the points obtained from goals. Here is where things are getting even more interesting. If a player (GK or DEF) score a goal, your team will get 7 points. Six points are provided if MID player scores and 5 points if STR player scores. Don’t forget that players or better said your team would get points when a player assists. In that case scenario, you are looking at 3 points. Other situations when you will get the point or points are for Clean Sheet (GK), and you are looking at 7 points. Clean Sheet (DEF) gives you 5 points.
Sky sports fantasy football scoring
There are a lot of additional ways or processes which will help you collect points. A man of the match will give you 5 points; a penalty also saves 5 points and Substitution Appearance, 1 point.
There are negative points as well. For example, when a player achieves auto-goal, he loses 2 points. If he misses a penalty, he will lose 3 points. Cards are known for causing point loss as well. A yellow card will cause you to lose one point, while a red card will decrease 3 points.
The game also includes bonus points. Between 1 and 2 points are given in a case of 5 saves (GK only), when you win three tackles, collect 60 passes and three shots on target. Except for saves, the bonus points are available for all players. Between 2 and 3 points are given in the same case scenarios, but only when you reach higher goals.
Sky sports fantasy football points
So here is an example of how you will collect points. Your player, Salah will be linked to actually, real-world footballer. When he scored, your player will get 5-7 points. If he misses a penalty, he will lose 3 points. The team will get 2 points for starting XI, and the man of the match will get 5 points. If Salah scores ten goals in the season, you will get between 50 and 70 points. If he assists ten times, you will get 30 additional points. The scoring system is based on the performance and the results of actual footballers and transferred to the Sky Fantasy Football.