Sun Dream Team Transfers

Sun Dream Team fantasy football is very popular at the moment, and there are millions of players. The most significant advantage are the massive fantasy football prizes you can win. All players will share a total prize of £475,000 according to their achievements. The first step is to create your team with a budget of £50 million. The next step is to play versus your opponents and try to earn as many points as possible. But, to be the most successful, you will need to know all about Sun Dream Team Transfers. Here we will discuss the rules, what are transfers and all additional elements of this action.

the sun dream team transfers

Sun Dream Team Transfers allow for you to replace any player you want. You can transfer a new footballer to your team. The number of transfers is limited, as in other fantasy football leagues. The main budget of £50 million is present here as well, and you will have to meet this criterion while making a transfer.

Transfers in the league are made to look similar like the ones in real life. You get the ability to invite and ‘’acquire’’ any footballer you want to play in your team and depending on his availability; he can start playing for you instantly. These are known as eligible transfers, and they are the most common. However, if you want to transfer a footballer who is currently playing for the second team, you will be using pending transfers. In that case scenario, a footballer will be added to your team once he completes the match or game week.

A far more critical question is which footballers you will need in your team. All of them should be powerful, fast and able to score as often as possible. If you get this advantage, your team will be stronger, and you will easily win matches, earn more points and therefore have better odds of winning a prize.

sun dream team transfers rules

To make Sun Dream Team Transfers realistic and equal for all players, there are specific rules. The first rule limits the number of transfers per month. You will get 3 of them, and until March of 2019, you have added 3 assignments added on the first Friday of a month. A transfer can be reversed, but only before one of 2 teams started a match in a game week. After that point, a transfer cannot be reversed.

All unused transfers can be used till the end of a game week of a current month. After that, they will be removed. Bonus transfers can be accredited to your account. A promoter will decide who gets bonus transfers. In that case scenario, the budget or allowance for transfers is removed. Unlimited transfers are only available before the eligible match starts. The current season began on August 2018.

The budget of £50 million is used for transfers, but it is affected by the performance of all other footballers in the team.

For more information of the Sun Dream Team Transfer Guidelines visit the official website .